Old School Dental is the premier place to get the most state-of-the art missing teeth solution available today: dental implants. They are the only treatment that restores a tooth both above and below the gum line, creating a result that is virtually indistinguishable from nature. Whether you’re missing a single tooth or need a full denture, this treatment can help you reclaim your smile for a lifetime. To learn more about them and what they could do for you, contact us today.
A dental implant is actually a prosthetic tooth root that is placed directly into the jawbone, and once there, it can be used to support a number of restorations above the gum line.
To replace a single missing tooth, we’ll use what is called an implant-retained crown. This will consist of the implant itself, an all-porcelain crown, as well as a metal connector called an abutment to hold them together. Once in place, this new tooth will blend seamlessly into the smile, and you can trust it to last for 30 years or more.
And, implant crowns can also be bonded to additional prosthetic teeth to close even larger gaps, forming an implant-retained bridge. Compared to traditional bridges, their implant counterparts look more natural, have a better hold, and last much longer as well.
With either restoration, all you need to do is brush, floss, and regularly see Dr. Staten to keep them looking and feeling like new.
While we champion everything old school here, old school dentures are something we’re happy to leave in the past! If you’re sick and tired of dealing with unreliable and uncomfortable dentures that constantly slide around in your mouth, dental implants can help you finally enjoy a set of teeth you can trust.
With implant-retained dentures, the prosthetic teeth are actually anchored directly to the jawbone via multiple implants placed in the mouth. They have numerous advantages compared to traditional dentures, such as: